States of Matter
What do we know about water -
- hot water makes steam
- cold water can go to ice
What are learning about water -
- Using marbles and a tote tray we modeled how the water molecules move in a solid, liquid and a gas.
This is how the marbles (molecules) moved:
Here is what we noticed...
Molecules move slowly
Not much energy
Molecules move medium (not fast and not slow)
Medium energy
Molecules move fast
Steam (vapour)
Lots of energy
- Kerri asked us “is there a different way you can model how atoms move in a solid,
liquid and a gas using your body?” - We decided to go outside and use the netball court.
- For a solid we all stood close together and jiggled and wiggled.
- For a liquid we walked around in one third.
- For a solid we ran around in two thirds.
Here is what we noticed...
We were cold
There were no collisions/crashes
We didn’t take up much much space
Not much energy was needed
We started to get warm There were not many collisions/crashes
We needed about1/3 of the court
A medium amount of energy
We got hot
There were lots of collisions/crashes
We needed lots of space, about 2/3’s of the court
We needed lots of energy to keep running fast.
We got excited
Sometimes this is a bit easier when stuff (like gold) is made up of stuff (gold atoms)
- Gold can be a solid, a liquid or a gas (really, really hot!). The atoms of gold jiggle and wiggle as a solid, move slowly as a liquid and move quickly as a gas (just like water.)
- question: do all solids, liquids and gases act the same?
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